Sunday 12 July 2015

          God- " Entity with Form or without Form ."

          God is conceived as a formless entity by some, while others believe it can also manifest in various forms. This concept of form versus formlessness has been the root cause of violence against idol worshippers and their place of worship.

         Now what is this form? Form is the expression of the formless entity in the physical dimension without which the formless entity cannot be perceived by the available human sense organs.

         There has been rigidity in the concept of formlessness which must be understood deeply if we need to get to the truth. Why concept of formless entity is stressed to the height and it is claimed to be the absolute fact? If the formless god can create various universe and world which are various kinds of forms why cannot he manifest in some form he desire for the perception and well being of human being. And what is formlessness - that which is formless , which cannot be perceived by human sense organs like eyes or ears , touch etc. What is the reason for invisibility - no reflection of light, or non presence of the entity. Or rather minute particle and entities at distance cannot be seen.

        The formless attribute thus is attributed chiefly due to either physical phenomena or constraints within the physical realm or lesser manifestation of characteristics associated with formless entity which may also be gauged if these constraints are addressed through physical means or through perception transcending beyond the physical realms.

        Every form has an associated shape,sound, hue, physical properties, electrical properties, thermal properties and aura and ethereal energy field or the energy field associated with it. So a form has so many characteristics.

        Energy,in the physical dimension cannot be seen but its force and pressure can be perceived and it can also be tapped by instruments for various activities. Can energy be called as a type of form. 

        Formlessness is essentially without physical characteristics and form has these characteristics predominantly. Physical characteristics may also be visible or invisible. Is invisibility characteristic of the formless. If so what invisibility really is? The colors in the spectrum which are invisible to some creatures are visible to humans and vice versa. For man things are invisible in the dark but not for owl. So invisibility as an attribute is relative with respect to the prevailing conditions in the physical dimensions. It seems invisibility has layers of barriers contributing to its invisibility and addressing these barriers may make the invisible entity visible. There may be gadgets and instruments which can aid in viewing the invisible. There are many micro particles which cannot be viewed and as far as humans are concerned, it is invisible for them. Like the range of sound which can be heard, is there a range of light or dimension for visibility too. Black holes cannot be seen but its presence is a fact and has physical characteristics like mass , absorption and emission of radiation. So it is confirmed that invisible objects also have characteristics of form.

        So the essential characteristics of formlessness conceived to be invisibility is not true. Now as the invisibility factor has been done away with, many physical attributes like hue,texture,shape etc also associated with visibility is no more a concern.

       Forms like blackhole with mass and other physical characteristics are examples of invisible forms with mass. so mass can be visible or invisible. The energy field around any form is probaby the threshold or boundary between the formless attribute of a entity with form. There may be ethereal fields like the causal body which is a connection between the gross body and soul without a physical body. As we move away from gross physical attribute, subtle attributes appear which in turn leads to subtler attributes of a form or entity.

      Einsteins famous Energy equation stipulates that energy and mass are related with respect to speed of light. Energy can be converted into mass and mass into energy. Further the law of conservation can also be scrutinized. Energy is more of thought as formless attribute while mass has a definite form. Is the Einsteins equation also suggesting a connection between the form and its formless counterpart.

      In Tantra , various mantras( sacred sounds) are used to invoke a Yantra (corresponding form associated with a particular mantra). A mantra is a sound which is directly related to its form called yantra and vice-versa.It is claimed that the mantra AUM namah shivaya when chanted , the image of Lord Shiva was captured using Kirlean Photography. This infact gives a scientific alibi to the connection of sounds and form or Mantra and Yantra

      If god has to be formless ,it should not have attributes of sound or light , as light is a factor between energy and mass as represented in the Einsteins Energy Equation.         Lord Sri Krishna has showed his COSMIC FORM TO Arjuna and to Yasoda, Krishnas Mother, within his mouth when he was a kid. Mother Kali has appeared before Sri Ramakrishna many times. In the Puranas there are instances when the gods were pleased on which they appear to give boons.

      Religious scriptures are full of instances where God has appeared in some form or have spoken as the Voice from the Sky or has appeared as bright Light. Man has conceived and perceived God through some form or the  other. Without perception theres no way that we could know theres any God.

       A formless God is like moisture in the atmosphere which when attain gross physical state appear as solid ice . The mere change in medium of Form cannot make a particular media superior to the other forms.  Form and Formlessness are interchangeable media in the way energy and mass are or Mantra and Yantra are.

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