Friday 19 August 2016

The Book

 ( Author- Deepak Chopra )
    A review by Rajesh Chandra.

The Book of Secrets by Dr.Deepak Chopra is a book of universal spiritual secrets with a difference. It consists of 15 secrets assorted as chapters. The book plays its role as a magnifying glass to magnify the minute secrets of spirituality unfathomable to an ordinary person. The secrets encompass various dimensions of soul, philosophy,science, psychology, healing, universal macrocosm and microcosm.

The various Chapters as Secrets are:-

  • Ø    The Mystery of Life is Real.
  • Ø    The World is in You.
  • Ø     Four Paths leads to Unity
  • Ø    What You seek, You already are.
  • Ø    The Cause of Suffering is  Unreality.
  • Ø    Freedom tames the Mind.
  • Ø    Every Life is Spiritual.
  • Ø    Evil is not your Enemy.
  • Ø    You Live in Multidimensions.
  • Ø    Death makes Life Possible.
  • Ø    The Universe Thinks through You.
  • Ø    There is no Time but Now.
  • Ø    You are truly Free when you are Not a Person.
  • Ø    The meaning of life is Everything.
  • Ø    Everything is pure Essence.

The author seems to be diving deeper than most of the religious founders in exposition of secrets connecting the Soul, Mind and body to science, psychology, poetry, creativity, positivity, negativity and the Universe. It is a more than a Self Help book in its endeavour to convince the intimate  relationship of the Universe with every objects and living being as its subsystem. The projection of mind ,the perceptions, reality and unreality concepts reminds one of the ancient Hindu scriptural concepts although the author has peeled off the religious leanings and has stuck to objectivity.

The analysis of belief, reality, perceptions, self image, pain , suffering and cementing of suffering by the magician mind is beautifully narrated with examples and followed by its dissection and practical exercises to tame and cope it.

A special mention has to be made about the secrets revealed about good-evil, predetermination- freedom, Vidya-Avidya, and life-death companions,

           Some of the enchanting aphorisms  dug out from among the secrets are:-

Apoptosis- “ For every cell, there is a time to live and a time to die.

Perception is the world; the world is perception.

Being a creator is more important than the whole world.

Everything I am experiencing reflects myself.

The Universe is mirror of consciousness.

You are living in many dimensions at once; the appearance of being trapped in time and space is illusion.

Whatever I pay attention to will grow.

You are dying every moment so that you can keep creating yourself.

The purpose of death is to imagine yourself into a new form with a new location in space and time.

The absolute break between life and death is an illusion.

The Universe thinks through You.

Even as motion is inherent in the air, manifestation is inherent in the consciousness.

            It is a book of treasure  for every spiritual enthusiasts, philosophers, seekers who want a peep into the realm of beyond, psychology enthusiasts, self help freaks, healing enthusiasts, atheists, agnostics and religious fanatics who want to have a speck of real spirituality

            Even the spiritually blind can have some vision of deep connectivity of the self to the universe. Its the book of transformation. The author’s impeccable logic , facts and insights lead you to your inner trip of knowledge. A must read book for your MIND.

Rajesh Chandra

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