Monday 12 September 2016

              The Biology Of Spirituality

  Spirituality is the science of the spirit, it revolves around the spirit, the soul and beyond. Spirituality is ensnared within religious cage and very few muster courage and conviction to identify with it and escape the narrow identification of religious concepts. Spirituality and Biology has strange mystical and mysterious relationship. Spirituality often presents itself as a way of healing the maladies within the biological system.

 In the Eastern spirituality, the body is an integral part of spirituality . The meditation practices involve bodily activities to activate the dormant energy centers, the chakras; and raising the dormant energy, the Kundalini through various chakras, awakening the energy centers along its journey.. The Ayurveda is also an integral part of the Vedas, the Vedangas. Yoga has always been seen as the union of body and soul. So the importance of body in spiritual dimension is paramount and is evident in the Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras which give specific techniques for transformation of the body and mind for their unification.
 The Body-Mind axis of spirituality has been cognized by the ancient seers and the modern science is proving its authenticity and this is well advocated by the New Age Guru Deepak Chopra who is an author and advocate of Alternative medicine .

A look within the body at cellular, atomic  and sub-atomic levels is a revelation which have deep ramifications to the spiritual arena. In fact, it bolsters the view of the Eastern system of spirituality in many ways.

Do the cells have Vasana and Consciousness.

Vasana is  the present consciousness formed from past perceptions.

Consciousness is the state or quality of awareness, or, of being aware of an external object or something within oneself.

The emotions generate molecules called the Molecules of Emotions.

                                    A real image of molecule.


Molecules of emotions- Different Emotions generate molecules called neuro-peptides within the brain which has receptors on the immune cells .The immune cells listen and participate in conversation and expression of emotion. Immune cells also make choices and decisions so they have vasana or consciousness. The gut feeling creates same chemicals as the  brain does. Gut cells are more reliable as they don’t know how to doubt themselves. These cellular activities  prove beyond doubt that cells replicate living entities in choosing and decision making.

                                                                                               Immune Cells

How does the Cells communicate with the biological system- ‘ The Body ’ ?

The Cells communicate with the Body in two ways-

       Local Communication- Through energy and information.
       Non- Local Communication- Through instantaneous correlation.

          The sheer quantum of cells in the body is flabbergasting. The Milky Way Galaxy is home to between 200 and 400 billion stars and at least 100 billion planets; apart from that the nearest galaxy to earth, the Andromeda Galaxy houses one trillion stars. 

                Milky Way Galaxy with 200 to 400 billion stars

Andromeda Galaxy with 1 trillion Stars.

        The human body has 100 trillion cells which is more than the stars in the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxy combined. Such a massive scale is bewildering and analogy of stars in the galaxy and cells in the body is obvious in the quantum scale. Such massive scale of conscious spots in the form of cells with vasana is thought provoking as to whether the Human body itself is a space unto itself for the life of conscious beings- the Cells. Isn’t the human body a galaxy of cells itself.

        The cells interact and communicate among themselves. Every cell is engaged in 100,000 activities per sec. It tracks and synchronises with every other cell instantly without sending messages; this is Quantum Biology. They live and die. But the one who is an observer, the Life itself representing the subjective larger consolidated consciousness or the Soul, outlives the cells which undergoes continuous recycling transformation thus indicating reincarnation of memory at the cellular level.

         Biological organism doesn’t function linearly but in an integrated manner which gives us a line of thinking of an integrated living entity rather than a singular soul entity.

Atoms and the Body

           The body recycles 98% of all the matter at the sub atomic level in a year. This means, we have a new liver at the atomic level in every 6 months and the entire body in a year. Every year we have a new version of ourselves, though not apparent on the macro and external level. The atoms go through various living entities and species and give shape to different forms of life. The millions of atoms that our body have today, may have gone through  the body  of Lord Krishna, Einstein, Jesus, Shopkeeper, Woman, Birds, Animals, Reptiles or Trees of any species extant on the face of earth.

It’s possible to do mathematical calculations with radioactive isotope studies to prove it.

         In last three week, a quadrillion atoms has gone through your body, that has gone through the body of someone else three weeks back. So think about the cat, dog, trees or a snake from whom you have borrowed the atoms for a while.

       At the atomic level a new Human being is manufactured every now and then which is not apparent as the consciousness is unchanged even though the entire body is recycled. This unchanging phenomenon or entity within the atomic framework of rapid change is mysterious and mystical. Science has not been able to discover this subjective consciousness or Soul or Life pervading the body which is intact and outlives the atomic change. Is this a shadow of reincarnation, a continuity in life with change of atoms and cells. This also indicates a larger fact that atoms does not hold the Soul or Life.

           The subatomic particles emerge from the emptiness called the quantum vacuum.

Space, Shoonyata and Chit-Akash

Space : It is the boundless three-dimensional extent in which objects and events have relative position and direction.

Shoonyata in Buddhism- It is the great void; beyond the subject-object split.

Chit-Akash- The Vedantist  defines it as Space full of consciousness.

A mere 1 cubic centimeter of space here has 10 raised power of  37 , more mass energy, which is far greater than the mass energy of Milky Way Galaxy, which has 200 to 400 billion stars; Andromeda Galaxy, which has 1 trillion stars; all suns, planets, stars etc.

Science has not figured how the micro or quantum world become macro or classical bigger world.

Dualism is outdated as it violates law of conservation of energy.

Material  monism- Matter is everything but matter becomes non material ultimately; 
Life is the proof !!!

Monistic Idealism-there’s only consciousness and it experience itself.

The Mind is an embodied and relational process that regulates the flow of energy and information.
While space is defined as void( Shoonya ) or Chit-Akash, it is nevertheless the womb of both consciousness and matter. The outer space is an extension of the inner bodily space and it appears the Vedantist’s outlook of Chit-Akash may be the future course of exploration of spiritual enthusiasts.

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